Follow Your Wild

Hello there! My name is Carlos Garrido, and I am a passionate filmmaker and brand strategist. I’ve made it my life’s mission to explore and document the most breathtaking and undiscovered locations around the world. I believe that by sharing these hidden gems, we can inspire others to appreciate the beauty of our planet and work to preserve it for future generations.
What is ?

CGTravel is a website for adventurous solo travelers who seek inspiration and practical advice for off-the-beaten-path excursions.

How did this passion start?

I began my grand adventure with a bold decision to take my first solo trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The idea fascinated me, so I fearlessly packed my belongings and set out on my journey.

Where am I going next?

I’m actively searching for opportunities to embark on thrilling adventures with like-minded explorers who have an insatiable appetite for discovering unique culinary experiences and untold stories that are off-the-beaten-path.

Passionate Storyteller

I’m deeply passionate about sharing my travel adventures from around the globe with an emphasis on the unusual and exhilarating experiences that make each journey unique. My travels are more than just a trip; they are a chance for me to capture every atmosphere, emotion, and memory so that I can relive them in the future and inspire others to embark on their own unforgettable adventures.

I rely on video-heavy storytelling to take you on a journey to the most obscure and fascinating places around the world.

Visit my Blog Page to read more..

A little bit about me

Ever since I began traveling solo, I’ve developed a love for getting lost because I believe it has transformed me in countless ways. As a result, I’m committed to providing you with comprehensive information based on my personal experiences, and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have about your travel plans.

Use my Travel Budget Calculator Tool for easy and budget-friendly vacation planning.


My Favorite Destinations





Join our global community of adventure travelers, adventurers, and entrepreneurs by following Adventrgram on Instagram!

Remember to share your adventure travel experiences using the hashtag #FollowYourWild.

Carlos Garrido

Adventure Solo TravelerFilmmaker • Master of Science in Marketing from FIU • Great Friend!
Instagram @carlosgarrido

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In the years I’ve spent traveling around the world, I’ve learned that some things, especially about yourself, can’t be learned at home…

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